1958 Ariel Leader for restoration. This bike is in need of a little tlc but is all there, original and complete with matching numbers. The odometer shows a little over 47,500 miles and the condition is solid. There is some rust on the leg shields and the chrome parts such as wheel rims, levers and exhausts are somewhat pitted. The engine won't turn over, so some mechanical work is needed, but I don't know to what extent.
More pictures will be added soon, but the best way to appreciate the condition of this bike is to visit our Chepstow showroom, or if you are too busy or too far away, we can take you for a virtual walk around the bike through Zoom. We are always happy to chat, so if you have any questions, please give us a call on 07860 256594.
1958 Ariel Leader Restoration Project (Red)
- Brand: Ariel Motorcycles
- Product Code: SAW189LEADER
- Availability: 2-3 Days